Terms of Use

No part of The Jewelers Board of Trade® (JBT) website (Site), nor any data or content therein, may be reproduced, modified, or distributed in any form or manner without the prior written permission of an authorized representative of JBT and in conformance with JBT’s By-Laws and Constitution. Use of data mining, robots, spiders, web-crawlers or similar data gathering and extraction tools is prohibited on the JBT website, its data and any other content. Also prohibited is any reproduction, reprinting, copying, storage, public display, broadcast, transmission, modification, translation, porting, publishing, sublicensing, assignment, transfer, sale, loan or other distribution of JBT website content or data (including, but not limited to, email addresses and FAX numbers, which may not be used for any marketing purposes) in any form without prior written consent from an authorized JBT representative. Circumventing any mechanisms included in the JBT website or its content for preventing the unauthorized reproduction, use, or distribution of same is prohibited. Use of the website or information contained therein in any unlawful manner or in any other manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the Site is also prohibited. The consequences of such activity may include suspension of access to the Site, expulsion from membership and all the benefits thereof, as well as legal liability for consequences and costs of any illegal use of JBT data and costs incurred in restoring the Site to its full functionality. These consequences may be immediate, without notice, and in the sole discretion of JBT. Access to the Site may be denied at the discretion of JBT Management in the event that use of the Site is for purposes not consistent with the Mission of JBT and in a manner not in accordance with all terms of JBT’s By-Laws and Constitution. 

JBT Confidential and Proprietary Information

The contents of this website are confidential and proprietary to The Jewelers Board of Trade® and may not be reproduced disclosed, distributed, or used without the express permission from an authorized representative of The Jewelers Board of Trade®. Any other use is expressly prohibited.


This information issued to you as a member in response to your request, is privileged communication, communicated to and received by you in confidence for your exclusive use and benefit in your own business and is not to be disclosed to any other person (By-Laws Article V, Section III).  The Jewelers Board of Trade® uses its best efforts to obtain accurate information but cannot guarantee the correctness of the information and reports with it provides for its members and shall not be liable for any loss or injury resulting from any inaccuracy in the same.