A JBT listing costs nothing and automatically includes your company in our database of businesses, which is the largest in the industry. We like to say that a JBT listing “puts you on the map”, because it lets members (suppliers and retailers) know who they are doing business with and that there is data available for them to use in establishing a business relationship with you.

Listed businesses are eligible for a JBT credit rating, based on information you provide us, experience shared by our members, and supplemental sources. 

You are not required to submit financial information to obtain a “listing”; however, it is necessary to provide certain pertinent information such as principals, history of employment, method of operation and references. Remember, the more information you provide, the better representation we can provide to inquiring firms on your behalf.

    In addition, JBT is the preferred service for many trade shows nationwide that pre-qualify attendees.

    Get listed today!

    Jewelry businesses are listed with JBT to

    Gain Exposure

    Being listed lets Members know who you are

    Expedite Credit Decisions

    Information to assist Members 

    Gain Credibility

    Verification of business entity

    Establish Business Relationships 

    Members easily access information on your business

    Put JBT’s unbiased
    Jewelry Industry Knowledge
    to work for your business


    Join 26,000 businesses and be
    found by your Industry peers in
    our Red Book Directory